Birmingham Education Hub

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The Birmingham Education Hub Training page provides a range of events and training opportunities hosted by various providers. If you are looking to book onto particular types of events please use the filters below to search by providers.

Training and Events

4 Sessions Starting Apr 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Influence of African and Caribbean dance techniques on modern dance

These networks offer invaluable opportunities to collaborate with fellow professionals, exchange best practices, and uncover fresh strategies for student engagement. With in-depth looks at KS3 and KS4 schemes of work and assessment, featuring speakers from exam boards who will provide expert advice on the syllabus.

£45pp (per session)

4 Sessions Starting Jun 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Engaging Males in Dance

These networks offer invaluable opportunities to collaborate with fellow professionals, exchange best practices, and uncover fresh strategies for student engagement. With in-depth looks at KS3 and KS4 schemes of work and assessment, featuring speakers from exam boards who will provide expert advice on the syllabus.

£45pp (per session)

Training on Birmingham Education Hub