Birmingham Education Hub

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About The Birmingham Education Hub

An initiative from a number of key education partners in the city. The Birmingham Education Hub acts as a gateway for all Birmingham school staff and other education professionals at all levels to access a wide range of information, training, resources and research. A unique login will tailor your Hub to the things that are most important for your role in your organisation, whether this is defined by subject, phase or other specialist role. Headteachers will also be able to access valuable school data that can be shared with school colleagues and governors.

The Birmingham Education Hub is a BEP joint venture with the vision for it to evolve into a one stop shop for all educators in the city and beyond. Signposting you to what is important for you, your school and your career. The Birmingham Institute for Professional Learning, a partnership of key CPD providers, are collaborating in this venture bringing an enhanced and coherent offer to the widest possible audience. The Hub is also designed to provide consortia, networks and pre-existing groupings with tools to enable them to collaborate more effectively in a strengthening of the whole family of Birmingham schools.

About The Birmingham Education Hub on Birmingham Education Hub