Birmingham Education Hub

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The Birmingham Education Hub Training page provides a range of events and training opportunities hosted by various providers. If you are looking to book onto particular types of events please use the filters below to search by providers.

Training and Events

2 Sessions Starting Feb 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

Youth Mental Health First Aid 2-day course - February 2025

The Youth Mental Health First Aid 2-day course is an internationally recognised training course designed to teach Primary and Secondary colleagues how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill-health in young people and provide help on a first aid basis. The focus is on promoting young people’s emotional wellbeing and the factors that help safeguard and protect them. 

 Adderley Nursery School
£300pp. £250pp for BEP Member Schools (Basic to Premier Members)

12th February 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Arts Partnership Showcase: Loudmouth and Birmingham Museums Trust

Arts Partnership Showcases provide headteachers with a chance to observe live arts practice in schools, meet arts organizations, and discuss how to integrate these practices into their own settings.


12th February 2025
Computing Hub

Programming with the micro:bit

This course will support you to develop an understanding of how the micro:bit device can be used within programming across Key Stage 2. You will investigate its full potential and understand how this small device can offer big benefits to learning in the classroom.You will investigate how the key programming...
Start date12 Feb 2025
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

12th February 2025
HEART Midlands Stronger Practice Hub

Heart SPH Magical Music series - Part 5 Musical free play

The fifth in a 5 part Music series aimed at creating excitement around using music in the Early Years.

Fees can vary, see page for more details

13th February 2025
BEP School Improvement

BEP Forum: Connect & Collaborate

BEP is committed to ensuring that no school feels isolated, every voice is heard and valued, and all feel supported. We believe that building connections at local, city, and national levels, through collaboration and the sharing of ideas and information, is crucial to the success of schools at every stage of their development. With this vision in mind, we warmly invite you to join us at this session, which will consist of discussion, information sharing and updates.

 Online - Zoom

13th February 2025
BEP School Improvement

SEND Strategic Shorts: A graduated approach: reviewing, tracking and monitoring

In this session we will explore how data informs action and monitoring of SEND provision through lesson visits and book looks. We will also consider how we ensure statutory EHCP provision is consistently in place.


13th February 2025
Computing Hub

Computing Quality Framework – driving change within your primary school - short course

Explore the Computing Quality Framework to identify and support change within your school. You will find out about the framework and how to review their progress in developing computing provision. You will explore the dimensions within the framework and find out how they relate to computing within a school. Learning...
Start date13 Feb 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration90 Minutes
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

13th February 2025
BEP School Improvement

Teacher SEND Shorts: Feedback and Flexibility

In this session we will explore the impact of providing effective feedback for our learners through a flexible approach to their needs. We will also consider the importance of effective assessment for learning and how this informs planning.


13th February 2025
Computing Hub

Introduction to Isaac Computer Science - short course

Isaac Computer Science is an exciting, free learning platform, aimed at supporting students with the subject knowledge required for GCSE and A Level. During this short course, you’ll learn about the features available on the Isaac Computer Science platform, including how to:create a group (if you have your...
Start date13 Feb 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration1 Hour
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

17th February 2025
Computing Hub

An introduction to computer systems, networking and security in GCSE computer science - face to face

Take your first steps towards teaching GCSE computer science and establish a foundational knowledge base of concepts, terminology and classroom practice. Find out how the components of computer systems interlink and how these can then be connected together to form a network.Learn about the different components of...
Start date17 Feb 2025
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

18th February 2025
Computing Hub

An introduction to computer systems, networking and security in GCSE computer science - face to face

Take your first steps towards teaching GCSE computer science and establish a foundational knowledge base of concepts, terminology and classroom practice. Find out how the components of computer systems interlink and how these can then be connected together to form a network.Learn about the different components of...
Start date18 Feb 2025
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

24th February 2025
Computing Hub

Assessment of primary computing

Effective teaching includes the skilful use of assessment, to monitor children’s knowledge and understanding, and to overcome misconceptions. Accurate assessment informs adapted teaching, allowing teachers to build upon previous learning and supporting development of ideas and skills through the whole computing...
Start date24 Feb 2025
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

25th February 2025
Computing Hub

Programming with the micro:bit

This course will support you to develop an understanding of how the micro:bit device can be used within programming across Key Stage 2. You will investigate its full potential and understand how this small device can offer big benefits to learning in the classroom.You will investigate how the key programming...
Start date25 Feb 2025
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

4 Sessions Starting Feb 2025
BEP School Improvement


Understand how this highly-acclaimed evaluative toolkit reveals how well the curriculum, teaching and learning is impacting on pupils’ reading comprehension and word recognition; know more about the 8 essential spotlights that affect and influence how well pupils read; and learn how to implement this in your school to identify reading strengths and limitations across the school.

£249.00 per school

2 Sessions Starting Feb 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

Developing supervision in your school

Supervision is only a recent term for Education and yet is mandatory in many other relationship-intense professions. We know the benefits of supervision are widely recognised and, where reflective supervision spaces are offered in school, it has a significant, positive impact on a school’s safeguarding and wider culture. Led by Anna Robinson, Clinical Supervisor and Director of Mental Health at BEP on behalf of Liz Rose from SoSafeguarding, you will explore what supervision is and how it can work in your school and what some of the barriers might be.

 Online (Zoom) & Adderley Nursery School
£199 per person. BEP Essential & Premier members can use their golden ticket towards the ticket price.

26th February 2025
HEART Midlands Stronger Practice Hub

West Midlands Childminder Network - Promoting Physical Development

Finding enjoyable moments to promote and develop Physical Development for all our children in any environment.

Fees can vary, see page for more details

4 Sessions Starting Feb 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Deep Dive into Exam boards and moderation (GCSE/BTEC) - Online Session

These networks offer invaluable opportunities to collaborate with fellow professionals, exchange best practices, and uncover fresh strategies for student engagement. With in-depth looks at KS3 and KS4 schemes of work and assessment, featuring speakers from exam boards who will provide expert advice on the syllabus.

£45pp (per session)

3rd March 2025
Computing Hub

Computational thinking in primary schools - short course

A short course providing practical guidance on the assessment of key thinking skills in primary computingComputational thinking lies at the heart of the national curriculum. It includes the key building blocks for success in computing such as using abstraction to simplify problems, or how...
Start date03 Mar 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration90 Minutes
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

6 Sessions Starting Mar 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Secondary Art Network: Print Making & Mixed Media

These networks offer invaluable opportunities to collaborate with fellow professionals, exchange best practices, and uncover fresh strategies for student engagement. With in-depth looks at KS3 and KS4 schemes of work and assessment, featuring speakers from exam boards who will provide expert advice on the syllabus.

£45pp (per session)

6 Sessions Starting Mar 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Secondary Drama Network: Collaborative approaches and devising techniques

A focused session on devising drama. Explore effective strategies for guiding students in the creation of original performances through collaborative work. Learn how to utilise stimuli to inspire and develop creative ideas, fostering a dynamic and inclusive classroom environment. This session is designed for drama educators aiming to enhance their curriculum with innovative approaches to devising. Gain practical techniques to support students in generating, refining, and presenting their own theatrical works.

£45pp (per session)

6th March 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Birmingham Royal Ballet CPD: Still Life at the Penguin Cafe

This CPD session is led by BRB and will focus around themes and subjects that arise in Sir David Bintley's production of Still Life at the Penguin Cafe. Teachers will gain confidence in structuring dance lessons for students, including cross-curricular activities which can be utilised in topics such as the environment and global warming. It can be adapted for key stage 2-4 and teachers will be provided with resources and tools to be able to do this.

£55 per person

6th March 2025
BEP School Improvement

Good Practice Leadership Webinar: Poverty Proofing - key findings and recommendations

Designed to empower and inspire school leaders, fostering a community of forward-thinking educators dedicated to continuous improvement.

Free to Essential, Premier & Premier plus Members. £75pp to Non & Basic Members.

6th March 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

Senior Mental Health Leads Network Meeting

Network meetings will; include relevant updates on policy and practice related to mental and emotional health; bring together information and learning talks from partners across the mental health landscape in Birmingham and beyond; offer access to CPD resources; give an opportunity to meet with colleagues at face to face meetings; offer sustainability to mental health leadership beyond the life of DfE grant funding.

 Christ Church Sparkbrook, Farm Rd, Birmingham B11 1LS
Free for Birmingham Schools

6th March 2025
Birmingham Arts School

CPD for Arts organisations: Arts in the Primary Curriculum

This session will give arts organisations the tools they need to work alongside schools to co-create meaningful arts projects that support both creative expression and curriculum goals.


7th March 2025
Computing Hub

Computational thinking in primary schools - short course

A short course providing practical guidance on the assessment of key thinking skills in primary computingComputational thinking lies at the heart of the national curriculum. It includes the key building blocks for success in computing such as using abstraction to simplify problems, or how...
Start date07 Mar 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration90 Minutes
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

7th March 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Birmingham Museums Trust CPD: Mini Museum: Helping Pupils to Plan their own Exhibitions

Giving young people an opportunity to design their own mini museum and explore things that are special to them. Whether it’s a personal item, or something they’ve created, learners can collate their own ideas about what a good exhibition should include.


10th March 2025
Birmingham Arts School

CPD for Arts Organisations - Developing the work of Arts organisations in a Secondary Setting

Helping arts organisations understand the secondary curriculum and explore how they can work with schools to create impactful, curriculum-aligned arts projects. Gain valuable insights into the challenges schools face when integrating arts initiatives and strategies for overcoming these hurdles.


11th March 2025
Computing Hub

Enriching secondary computing with STEM Ambassadors in your region - short course

This short introductory course demonstrates the value that STEM Ambassadors can add to the computing curriculum and the extra-curricular offer. Bringing these industry volunteers into the classroom can help make computing more relevant to young people, allowing them to consider computing as a future study and career...
Start date11 Mar 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration90 Minutes
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

13th March 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Stan's Cafe CPD - Devising in the Classroom with Students

Expand your creative toolkit and gain access to a wealth of teaching resources, lesson ideas, and innovative practices that foster student engagement and achievement.


13th March 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

BEP Mental Health Four Fundamentals - Bereavement & Loss Online Training

Grief and loss is a universal experience.  Be it loss through death or loss because of change, the feelings and emotions that sit underneath can be similar. Join us in this workshop to explore how schools can best support young people and staff dealing with bereavement and loss and come away with increased confidence for yourself and practical strategies to take away.

 Zoom (Online)
1 FREE place for Basic, Essential or Premier BEP Members / £75 for non BEP Members

5 Sessions Starting Mar 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

Headroom: Headteacher Support Series

Over the course of 5 face to face sessions with a combination of psycho-education and self-development activities alongside opportunities for reflective supervision within a small group, Headroom is aimed at Heads wanting to develop insight into their own leadership style and process and explore what this means for looking after themselves in their role, school development and change.

£395 per person for 5 session series

6 Sessions Starting Mar 2025
BEP School Improvement


Half termly briefings designed to provide Designated Safeguarding Leads and Headteachers with up to the minute safeguarding and child protection information.

£30pp per session / Free for BEP Basic, Essential, Premier & Premier Plus Members

18th March 2025
Computing Hub

Empowering girls in key stage 2 computing

If we want to address the gender gap in computing, we need to start during the primary years. Discover research-backed teaching methods and pedagogies which resonate with girls so that computing can be more equitable and inclusive. This course will explore the current gender balance in computing education and delve...
Start date18 Mar 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration2 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

2 Sessions Starting Mar 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental Health First Aid 2 day Adult Course

With Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England training you will be accessing the very best evidence-based Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course available. Our training is grounded in research and developed with clinical practitioners. It is proven to increase MHFAiders® confidence in supporting people with mental health issues. With our new offer, training doesn’t stop when the course comes to an end. We provide continuous support for MHFAiders® – well beyond your initial certification – so you are confident, empowered and motivated to carry out your role.

£300pp. £250pp for BEP Member Schools (Basic to Premier Members)

24th March 2025
Computing Hub

Higher attainment in computer science - meeting the challenges of the exams

This evidence-based CPD aims to raise knowledge amongst teachers of how to achieve the most out of your students, whilst preparing for their GCSE exams in computer science. Whether you’re already teaching computer science or completely new to the subject, this course is designed to support your understanding of...
Start date24 Mar 2025
Duration5 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

24th March 2025
Computing Hub

Preparing for Ofsted in primary computing - short course

Find out what to expect from an Ofsted visit to your school and how you can prepare for it as a computing subject lead.This short course will explore the expectations outlined in the Ofsted framework and what this means for computing teaching and learning in your school. Drawing on the evidence of recent inspections...
Start date24 Mar 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration90 Minutes
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

24th March 2025
Computing Hub

Programming with the micro:bit

This course will support you to develop an understanding of how the micro:bit device can be used within programming across Key Stage 2. You will investigate its full potential and understand how this small device can offer big benefits to learning in the classroom.You will investigate how the key programming...
Start date24 Mar 2025
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

25th March 2025
BEP School Improvement

Behaviour & SEMH Conference: Empowering Leaders, Empowering Students: Transforming Behaviour & SEMH

Join us for an impactful day of insight, inspiration, and innovation at our Behaviour and SEMH Conference, tailored for school leaders and practitioners dedicated to creating positive change. Through expert-led sessions, practical workshops, and networking opportunities, explore evidence-based strategies to support social, emotional, and mental health needs while transforming behaviour management practices across all settings.

EARLY BIRD PRICE: £150.00pp Until 14th Feb! £175.00pp thereafter.

25th March 2025
Computing Hub

Computing Quality Framework – driving change within your secondary school - short course

Explore the Computing Quality Framework to identify and support change within your school. You will find out about the framework and how to review their progress in developing computing provision. You will explore the dimensions within the framework and find out how they relate to computing within a school. Learning...
Start date25 Mar 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration90 Minutes
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

25th March 2025
HEART Midlands Stronger Practice Hub

Exploring the world of two year olds: Nurturing Development and Learning

Lots of practical examples and take away tips.

Fees can vary, see page for more details

25th March 2025
HEART Midlands Stronger Practice Hub

Exploring the world of two year olds: Nurturing Development and Learning

Lots of practical examples and take away tips.

Fees can vary, see page for more details

25th March 2025
HEART Midlands Stronger Practice Hub

Exploring the world of two year olds: Nurturing Development and Learning

Lots of practical examples and take away tips.

Fees can vary, see page for more details

26th March 2025
BEP School Improvement

Pupil Book Study: Supercharging subject leaders

This is a one-day programme aimed at Curriculum and senior leaders and provides the next steps in implementing Pupil book Study.


26th March 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

Lite Senior Mental Health Lead Training

Leadership of mental health has gained increasing importance in school life. For those stepping in to this role it can be daunting or feel that the role is nebulous with no clear remit.  This, which draws from our more in-depth DfE authorised Senior Mental Health Lead training will equip staff with an understand the role of the Senior Mental Health Lead as defined by the DfE, the 8 areas the Mental Health Leads work across, the role of policy in this area, links to PSHE and SEL and help you to articulate provision in school at both universal and targeted level. This training is not a substitute for the more in-depth Senior Mental Health Leads training.  Delivered by the same team as lead our DfE authorised Senior Mental Health Lead training this session is ideal for those who are relatively new to supporting mental health provision in your setting, part of the wider mental health team in school.  Alternatively where trained staff have moved on, this is an ideal CPD for staff new in to role where your school is not eligible for or has already had a grant from the DfE. 

 Venue TBC
£200 per person

31st March 2025
Computing Hub

Preparing for Ofsted in primary computing - short course

Find out what to expect from an Ofsted visit to your school and how you can prepare for it as a computing subject lead.This short course will explore the expectations outlined in the Ofsted framework and what this means for computing teaching and learning in your school. Drawing on the evidence of recent inspections...
Start date31 Mar 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration90 Minutes
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

1st April 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Sangat Studios CPD: Media Made Simple: Hands-On Digital Tools for Engaging Lessons

Transform your classroom with creative digital tools! This hands-on CPD session introduces podcasting, green screen technology, and video editing—practical and engaging ways to teach critical thinking, teamwork, and digital responsibility.


6 Sessions Starting Apr 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Secondary Drama Network: Approaches to text/ Adapting texts

A comprehensive session on text-based drama. Educators will delve into the study and performance of scripted plays, including techniques for adapting texts like Shakespeare to resonate with modern audiences. Gain insights into analysing playwrights' intentions and dramatic techniques, equipping you to make theatre relevant and engaging for students studying classic and contemporary texts alike. Explore strategies to bring characters to life through interpretation and performance, fostering a deep understanding of theatrical conventions and storytelling methods. This session empowers drama teachers to guide students in discovering the timeless themes and universal truths within dramatic literature.

£45pp (per session)

3rd April 2025
Computing Hub

Preparing for Ofsted in secondary computing - short course

Avoid unnecessary strain and workload in anticipation of an inspection, by joining this short CPD. You’ll find out what Ofsted are looking for and, just as importantly, what they don’t expect departments to produce – separating evidence from myth. You’ll develop a lean preparation plan, to...
Start date03 Apr 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration2 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

3rd April 2025
BEP School Improvement

SEND Strategic Shorts: Strategic approach to supporting SEMH.

In this session we will explore how to develop a whole school culture towards SEMH, including more targeted support such as regulation plans and risk assessments.


3rd April 2025
BEP School Improvement

Teacher SEND Shorts: SEMH: Behaviour as a form of communication

In this session we work to understand what happens to the brain when it experiences trauma. We will focus on what Social Emotional and Mental Health needs might look like in the classroom and the strategies we can use to support.


3rd April 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

Role of the link Governor for Wellbeing Online Training

The aim of this session is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the role of the designated governor for wellbeing. Whilst this is not a statutory role, it is recommended as good practice in the Governor Handbook. With the roll out of the DfE’s grant and training for the Senior Mental Health Lead and mental health firmly sitting within the statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education, the need for a designated wellbeing governor is vital.

 Zoom (Online)
£50 per person

3rd April 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Arts Coordinator Training

Empower your school’s arts vision with our FREE online Arts Coordinator Training session, tailored for Primary and Secondary School teachers who lead arts projects and manage partnerships. This session is invaluable for teachers seeking practical and sustainable ways to embed the arts into their curriculum and school identity, all while being mindful of cost-effectiveness.


8th April 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Primary Artslink Network - Digital Innovation in Education: Harnessing Technology for Creative Teaching

Step into the future of education with our exciting session on digital innovation and creativity in teaching. In today’s tech-savvy world, it’s crucial to capitalize on children’s interests in technology and social media to deliver curriculum topics in ways that resonate with them. This session will inspire you to confidently integrate digital tools into your teaching practice, making learning more engaging and accessible.


9th April 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

BEP Mental Health Four Fundamentals - Self Harm Online Training

When hurting helps. Self -injury and self-destructive behaviours can raise a lot of understanding and, indeed, appropriate anxiety among professionals.  As education staff, we are often drawn to wanting to fix and this is difficult when faced with situation where hurting feels helpful. In this short workshop, we will explore some of the psychology of self-injury which can be really containing for us as staff and go on to explore how schools can support young people through whole school systems and processes.

 Zoom (Online)
1 FREE place for Basic, Essential or Premier BEP Members / £75 for non BEP Members

9th April 2025
BEP School Improvement


This course will enable the Headteacher and EYFS Lead to develop a joint understanding of what quality looks like in early years education.

£150 per school (Incl. 2 members of staff)

4 Sessions Starting Apr 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Influence of African and Caribbean dance techniques on modern dance

These networks offer invaluable opportunities to collaborate with fellow professionals, exchange best practices, and uncover fresh strategies for student engagement. With in-depth looks at KS3 and KS4 schemes of work and assessment, featuring speakers from exam boards who will provide expert advice on the syllabus.

£45pp (per session)

29th April 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Arts Partnership Showcase: B:Music and The Play House

Arts Partnership Showcases provide headteachers with a chance to observe live arts practice in schools, meet arts organizations, and discuss how to integrate these practices into their own settings.


29th April 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

Imposter Syndrome Workshop

This workshop for Heads and school leaders will help you to: Understand the origins of the imposter phenomenon, help you identify some of the ways this shows up for yourself and others and how it impacts in leadership, increase awareness of ways to help quieten the imposter (and even make an ally of it!) and feel an improved sense of your own value.

 Adderley Nursery School
£125 per person

1st May 2025
BEP School Improvement

Teacher SEND Shorts: Parental Engagement

In this session we will explore how to engage your parents in the learning of their children to directly impact on their academic progress and attainment. We will consider the use of language, communication tools and parental experience of professional conversations.


1st May 2025
BEP School Improvement

SEND Strategic Shorts: Parental Engagement from non-engagement to co-production

In this session we will consider the difference between parental involvement and parental engagement, perspectives and challenges, exploring the ‘co-production ladder’ and reviewing current practice in your setting.


6th May 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

Senior Mental Health Leads Network Online Meeting

Network meetings will; include relevant updates on policy and practice related to mental and emotional health; bring together information and learning talks from partners across the mental health landscape in Birmingham and beyond; offer access to CPD resources; give an opportunity to meet with colleagues at face to face meetings; offer sustainability to mental health leadership beyond the life of DfE grant funding.

 Zoom (Online)
Free for Birmingham Schools

8th May 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental Health First Aid Refresher - online

If you’re a Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®), take the MHFA Refresher course every three years to: Keep your awareness of mental health support current, update your knowledge of mental health and what influences it, practice applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan and receive access to MHFAider® Support and Benefits for three years.

 Zoom (Online)
£150 per person

8th May 2025
BEP School Improvement

Good Practice Leadership Webinar - Transition Y6 to Y7

Top tips for getting Primary school pupils ready for Secondary School and Secondary schools ready for Primary aged pupils.

Free to Essential, Premier & Premier plus Members. £75pp to Non & Basic Members.

2 Sessions Starting May 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

Foundation Senior Mental Health lead Training - Course Code SMHL017 (May / June 2025)

This course has been quality assured for the DfE senior mental health lead training grant. Course Code: SMHL017. This two-day training course will give Senior Mental Health Leads a firm grounding in the theory and practice of leading and establishing a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing. Structured for the schools or Senior Mental Health Leads in the emerging or foundational stages of building a whole school approach, this training will give you the tools to audit and action plan under the 8 public health principles of a whole school approach and delivered by a highly experienced mental health and educational team.

 MAKE UK Technology Hub
£800 per person

20th May 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

BEP Mental Health Four Fundamentals - Managing Anxiety Online Training

This session is relevant for both Primary and Secondary. Anxiety belongs in every day life. But sometimes, it can become more constant than we would like. This workshop will help you understand a little more about the psychology of anxiety and how you can support pupils in school who may be feeling more anxiety than others.

 Zoom (Online)
1 FREE place for Basic, Essential or Premier BEP Members / £75 for non BEP Members

6 Sessions Starting May 2025
BEP School Improvement


Half termly briefings designed to provide Designated Safeguarding Leads and Headteachers with up to the minute safeguarding and child protection information.

£30pp per session / Free for BEP Basic, Essential, Premier & Premier Plus Members

21st May 2025
BEP School Improvement


High quality interactions are central to effective early years practice and ensuring all children make progress.


22nd May 2025
Birmingham Arts School

IKON Gallery CPD: Occupying the Gallery

This CPD session is led by IKON Gallery. This will be an inspiring session for teachers in which we will explore the importance of art galleries as spaces for active learning and engagement. Participants will respond directly to Ikon's exhibition programme, with an interactive tour of the galleries, followed by a practical, artist-led session. The focus will be on empowering young people to take ownership of galleries and other public art spaces, with the confidence to respond to contemporary artwork and develop their own creative 'voice'.

£55 per person

2nd June 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Arts Partnership Showcase: Sampad and Desiblitz

Arts Partnership Showcases provide headteachers with a chance to observe live arts practice in schools, meet arts organizations, and discuss how to integrate these practices into their own settings.


4th June 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

BEP Mental Health Four Fundamentals - Staff Wellbeing Online Training

Relevant for both Primary and Secondary school staff, this workshop will provide insights that will help you support your own well-being as you work to support the well-being of others.

 Zoom (Online)
1 FREE place for Basic, Essential or Premier BEP Members / £75 for non BEP Members

4th June 2025
HEART Midlands Stronger Practice Hub

West Midlands Childminder Network - Supporting Self Regulation

Come along to learn and share evidence based strategies to support our youngest learners with their self-regulation.

Fees can vary, see page for more details

10th June 2025
Computing Hub

Higher attainment in computer science - meeting the challenges of the exams - remote

This evidence-based CPD aims to raise knowledge amongst teachers of how to achieve the most out of your students, whilst preparing for their GCSE exams in computer science. Whether you’re already teaching computer science or completely new to the subject, this course is designed to support your understanding of...
Start date10 Jun 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration5 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

12th June 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Teaching Differently CPD Led by Open Theatre

Join teachers and TA’s who are part of a new teacher training programme as they share their experiences, and give practical suggestions on how to be more connected and creative in the classroom.


17th June 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

BEP Mental Health Four Fundamentals - Bereavement & Loss Online Training

Grief and loss is a universal experience.  Be it loss through death or loss because of change, the feelings and emotions that sit underneath can be similar. Join us in this workshop to explore how schools can best support young people and staff dealing with bereavement and loss and come away with increased confidence for yourself and practical strategies to take away.

 Zoom (Online)
1 FREE place for Basic, Essential or Premier BEP Members / £75 for non BEP Members

17th June 2025
BEP School Improvement

A Place to Learn: Understanding and creating an effective learning environment in early years

This course, for early years teachers, leaders and practitioners, will help you to you to improve the learning environment and deliver purposeful and engaging continuous provision to enhance children's learning and development.


18th June 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

Role of the link Governor for Wellbeing Online Training

The aim of this session is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the role of the designated governor for wellbeing. Whilst this is not a statutory role, it is recommended as good practice in the Governor Handbook. With the roll out of the DfE’s grant and training for the Senior Mental Health Lead and mental health firmly sitting within the statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education, the need for a designated wellbeing governor is vital.

 Zoom (Online)
£50 per person

2 Sessions Starting Jun 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

Youth Mental Health First Aid 2-day course

The Youth Mental Health First Aid 2-day course is an internationally recognised training course designed to teach Primary and Secondary colleagues how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill-health in young people and provide help on a first aid basis. The focus is on promoting young people’s emotional wellbeing and the factors that help safeguard and protect them. 

£300pp. £250pp for BEP Member Schools (Basic to Premier Members)

19th June 2025
Computing Hub

Behaviour for learning in a computing environment - short course

This course is aimed at secondary computing teachers who are looking to ensure the behaviour management and learning atmosphere in a computing environment enables progress. Participants will get the opportunity to look at the adolescent brain development, assess their own behaviours and look at computing related...
Start date19 Jun 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration90 Minutes
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

19th June 2025
BEP School Improvement

Good Practice Leadership Webinar: How to effectively evaluate and monitor your school?

A webinar designed to help you take a fresh look at the 'how to' of conducting effective school evaluation and monitoring with some new and innovative ideas presented to inspire and generate new thinking.

Free to Essential, Premier & Premier plus Members. £75pp per session to Basic & Non Members.

6 Sessions Starting Jun 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Secondary Drama Network: Approaches to Practitioners

Explore influential figures like Stanislavski, Brecht, Boal, and Artaud, gaining a deep understanding of their revolutionary techniques and philosophies. Learn practical methods for applying these theories in student-led productions and classroom exercises, enhancing both performance skills and critical analysis. Discover how to empower students to embody characters authentically, challenge theatrical conventions, and engage audiences through innovative staging and performance techniques. This session is ideal for educators seeking to enrich their teaching with insights from pioneering practitioners, fostering creativity, and deepening students' appreciation for diverse theatrical approaches.

£45pp (per session)

26th June 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

Senior Mental Health Leads Network Meeting

Network meetings will; include relevant updates on policy and practice related to mental and emotional health; bring together information and learning talks from partners across the mental health landscape in Birmingham and beyond; offer access to CPD resources; give an opportunity to meet with colleagues at face to face meetings; offer sustainability to mental health leadership beyond the life of DfE grant funding.

 Christ Church Sparkbrook, Farm Rd, Birmingham B11 1LS
FREE for Birmingham Schools / £50pp for non Birmingham schools

4 Sessions Starting Jun 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Engaging Males in Dance

These networks offer invaluable opportunities to collaborate with fellow professionals, exchange best practices, and uncover fresh strategies for student engagement. With in-depth looks at KS3 and KS4 schemes of work and assessment, featuring speakers from exam boards who will provide expert advice on the syllabus.

£45pp (per session)

26th June 2025
Computing Hub

Higher attainment in computer science - meeting the challenges of the exams - remote

This evidence-based CPD aims to raise knowledge amongst teachers of how to achieve the most out of your students, whilst preparing for their GCSE exams in computer science. Whether you’re already teaching computer science or completely new to the subject, this course is designed to support your understanding of...
Start date26 Jun 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

26th June 2025
Computing Hub

Assessment in secondary computing - short course

Effective teaching is underpinned by the accurate use of assessment, enabling teachers to check knowledge and understanding of children. The use of accurate assessment allows teaching to be adapted and personalised, improving the learning journey for students.This CPD aims to improve teachers’ knowledge of their...
Start date26 Jun 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration90 Minutes
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

26th June 2025
BEP School Improvement

Teacher SEND Shorts: TA deployment

In this session we will explore the complimentary roles of teachers and TAs and the importance of a relational approach in ensuring effective teamwork. We will consider differing models of deployment in the classroom, how TAs can add value to what teachers are already doing and how we can prepare our TAs to reach intended outcomes for specific learners.


26th June 2025
BEP School Improvement

SEND Strategic Shorts: SEND Development Planning

In this session we will explore how to remain proactive and attuned to the bigger picture. We will support you to streamline your strategic priorities for SEND as you move forward into the next academic year.  


6 Sessions Starting Jul 2025
BEP School Improvement


Half termly briefings designed to provide Designated Safeguarding Leads and Headteachers with up to the minute safeguarding and child protection information.

£30pp per session / Free for BEP Basic, Essential, Premier & Premier Plus Members

1st July 2025
BEP School Improvement

Chemistry subject knowledge for non-specialists

This CPD day will focus on some of the most challenging topics that non specialists will face when teaching Chemistry. 

£200 per person

2nd July 2025
BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing

BEP Mental Health Four Fundamentals - Self Harm Online Training

When hurting helps. Self -injury and self-destructive behaviours can raise a lot of understanding and, indeed, appropriate anxiety among professionals.  As education staff, we are often drawn to wanting to fix and this is difficult when faced with situation where hurting feels helpful. In this short workshop, we will explore some of the psychology of self-injury which can be really containing for us as staff and go on to explore how schools can support young people through whole school systems and processes.

 Zoom (Online)
1 FREE place for Basic, Essential or Premier BEP Members / £75 for non BEP Members

3rd July 2025
Computing Hub

Empowering trainee teachers: Introduction to primary computing - remote

Embark on an exciting journey into the world of primary computing. You will develop your understanding of computing in the primary classroom and gain practical experience in teaching computing. You will also explore links to the initial teacher training (ITT) core content framework in each session. Inspiring you to...
Start date03 Jul 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

10th July 2025
Computing Hub

New subject leaders of secondary computing - remote

Moving into curriculum leadership can feel like be a big step. Whether you are new to the role, or looking to progress in the future, this course will build confidence and clarity allowing you to succeed.Written by experienced department leaders, and based in the most recent evidence of 'what works', you'll come away...
Start date10 Jul 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration2 Days
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

6 Sessions Starting Jul 2025
Birmingham Arts School

Secondary Art Network: Sketchbooks & Creative Artist Analysis

These networks offer invaluable opportunities to collaborate with fellow professionals, exchange best practices, and uncover fresh strategies for student engagement. With in-depth looks at KS3 and KS4 schemes of work and assessment, featuring speakers from exam boards who will provide expert advice on the syllabus.

£45pp (per session)

14th July 2025
Computing Hub

Empowering trainee teachers: Introduction to primary computing - remote

Embark on an exciting journey into the world of primary computing. You will develop your understanding of computing in the primary classroom and gain practical experience in teaching computing. You will also explore links to the initial teacher training (ITT) core content framework in each session. Inspiring you to...
Start date14 Jul 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration1 Day
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

14th July 2025
Computing Hub

Encouraging girls into GCSE computer science - short course

There is a gender imbalance in computing that needs to be addressed. Girls are under-represented in GCSE / A Level computer science:21% of GCSE CS entries in 2023 were girls 15% of A level CS entries in 2023 were girls 21% of students applying for computing-related degrees were girlsYet, girls...
Start date14 Jul 2025
LocationRemote Delivered CPD
Duration2 Hours
SubsidyComputing Subsidy up to - £0.00
Fees can vary, see page for more details

Training on Birmingham Education Hub