Birmingham Education Hub

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Please use your school / organisation email address as this will speed up the application process

It is also advisible to use the "Register with Microsoft / Google" option for a smoother sign up


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Birmingham Arts School connects artists and cultural organisations with schools across the city. Below is a list of opportunities set up by arts organisations. They will regularly post upcoming opportunities here, so watch this space. For a full list of all our cultural partners with more information about them check out the following link; for a full list of our individual artists please see the following link:

As a reminder there are more opportunities specifically for schools which you will see on the Birmingham Education Hub home page if you have logged in above. The best way to stay on top of new opportunities is to sign up to The Hub and follow us on social media.

If you are an Arts organisation looking to post your opportunities, please contact us

Arts Opportunites
Arts and Culture on Birmingham Education Hub