Character education centres on intentionally fostering positive personal traits called virtues, such as compassion, determination, gratitude and critical thinking in our students. It encompasses all of the planned and unplanned, implicit and explicit, activities that help young people to become the best versions of themselves. In other words, character education is the provision that schools put in place to allow their students to flourish.
Prioritising character education, or placing a character focus on other priorities, is proven to yield numerous benefits within the school environment. Schools that integrate character-building activities into their curriculum often see a positive transformation in classroom atmosphere and in-school relationships. This, in turn, helps foster an authentic sense of community and mutual respect among students, teachers and others within the school community. Furthermore, students that seek to develop their character virtues often feel better equipped to face the challenges of life, building resilience and self-confidence as they progress through their formative years.
Where we see character as a set of personal traits that evoke particular, relevant emotions, inform motivation and guide conduct, so we can treat character education as more than just a subject, and as a part of the classroom, school and family culture. The impact of developing positive and authentic character education provision extends beyond the classroom and beyond the school gates, as it is a core part of shaping the future citizens of our society. By developing virtues such as kindness and responsibility in our young learners, we empower them to become compassionate and engaged members of their communities. In short, we allow them to flourish.
In essence, character education serves as a cornerstone of both; laying the foundations for a lifetime of navigating ethical decision-making with confidence and understanding and of personal growth. As school leaders and educators, embracing a character-led approach to schooling empowers teachers and school leaders to both nurture the academic minds and the moral compasses of our students. Thus, preparing them to thrive in a complex and ever-changing world.
The Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, based at the University of Birmingham, has led the way in research and development activities around character since 2012. They have achieved enormous impact and engagement with ministers, politicians and policymakers, as well as schools, school leaders and parents. They have helped refocus the debate on the purpose of schooling and the purpose of education. Their work has shown the way in terms of both ‘what’ character education is and ‘how’ it can be provisioned for in schools. This webinar brings together leading thinkers and practitioners from the Jubilee Centre and from across Birmingham to discuss and debate how to make Birmingham a city of character.
SAVE THE DATE: Character Conference on 11th June at University College Birmingham. 9.00am – 2.30pm with lunch provided in their restaurant at the College of Food. More information to follow.