The BEP Curriculum Improvement offer includes specialist–led subject networks in English and in 10 foundation subjects. Each course will be delivered by experts in their field. This session will be led by Sarah Vaughan, in conjunction with the Computing Hub.
The first session will look at curriculum mapping to ensure all areas of the national curriculum are covered in your Long-Term Overviews. We will then look at the new DfE Computing Quality Framework and use this free tool to audit your current computing provision. This will then help you focus on areas of development for your subject and feed into your year’s action plan.
Algorithm and programming progressions from EYFS to Y6Session two will focus on algorithm and programming progression from EYFS - Yr 6. The session will look at how to identify key skills and knowledge and appropriate pedagogical approaches.
Raising the Profile of Computing in your SchoolThis final session will focus on ways you can raise the profile of computing in your school through clubs and competitions to Digital Leaders as well as the use of physical computing resources such as the Micro:bits. We will also look back through the Computing Quality Framework to see how we have progressed up the dimensions and if anyone is ready to apply for the Quality Mark.