Network meetings will; include relevant updates on policy and practice related to mental and emotional health; bring together information and learning talks from partners across the mental health landscape in Birmingham and beyond; offer access to CPD resources; give an opportunity to meet with colleagues at face to face meetings; offer sustainability to mental health leadership beyond the life of DfE grant funding.
“A first look at the Birmingham Wellbeing Census data for 2024”
Colin Palmer, Lead for the Birmingham Wellbeing census will be sharing and analysing the finding’s from last year’s survey and also comparing this with trend data over time. Key takeaways for attendees will be around what we are learning city-wide and in localities about what young people are reporting about how they are feeling and key actions for schools. He will also be updating us in terms of developments in whole school wellbeing and mental health measures with a keen eye, as ever, on the important and often little-considered ethical implications of using mental health measures in school”.