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Senior Mental Health Leads Network

BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing
Starting Tuesday 4th October 2022

Please note that you do not need to have attended the DfE funded BEP Senior Mental Health Lead Training to attend these network events - everyone is welcome!

Leading mental health in a school can feel isolating and we know the value of having increased insight and awareness to the local picture of mental health service provision. With that in mind,  BEP are delighted to share with you dates for Birmingham’s Senior Mental Health Lead Network. Meeting half termly and supported by partners across the mental health system, network meetings are an opportunity to develop the leadership and practice of mental health in your school within Public Health’s 8 point model. 


Senior Mental Health Leads Network Event
Tuesday 4th October 2022 - 08:30 - 10:30

Join us at the National Motorcycle museum for a face to face Senior Mental Health Lead network for Birmingham schools.  Over the 2 hour session we will hear from Josh Connelly, one of the UK’s most influential mental health advocates and speakers who regularly speaks on BBC, ITV & Channel 5 news as well as contributing to mental health policy, Colin Palmer from The Birmingham Women’s and Children’s  Hospital/Warwick University on the findings from this year’s staff and pupil wellbeing census and more. 

Senior Mental Health Leads Network Meeting (Online)
Wed 30th Nov 2022 - 08:00 - 09:30

Network meetings will; include relevant updates on policy and practice related to mental and emotional health; bring together information and learning talks from partners across the mental health landscape in Birmingham and beyond; offer access to CPD resources; give an opportunity to meet with colleagues at face to face meetings; offer sustainability to mental health leadership beyond the life of DfE grant funding.

Senior Mental Health Leads Network Meeting (Online)
Wed 8th Feb 2023 - 08:00 - 09:30

Network meetings will; include relevant updates on policy and practice related to mental and emotional health; bring together information and learning talks from partners across the mental health landscape in Birmingham and beyond; offer access to CPD resources; give an opportunity to meet with colleagues at face to face meetings; offer sustainability to mental health leadership beyond the life of DfE grant funding.

Module 4 - TBC

Who is this course for:

This workshop is ideal for Inclusion Leads, SENCO's, DSL's and Mental Health Leads

Course Duration:

2.5 hours



Tue 4th Oct 2022
Wed 30th Nov 2022
Wed 8th Feb 2023


The National Conference Centre

Registration Closed

Senior Mental Health Leads Network on Birmingham Education Hub