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BEP School Improvement
Starting Thursday 9th January 2025

A handbook to provoke, provide and evaluate language development. This training course includes three live webinars plus one day observation and will cover the foundations, inner workings and implementation of Language Learning in EYFS. This is much more than just a course. Prepare to engage, refine and showcase excellence.

Foundations of EYFS: Language of Learning
Thursday 9th January 2025 - 15:45 - 17:00

The trainer will model and explain the principles and practice of this book referencing the evidence that underpins it. Using best professional learning practice, participants will collaborate and engage with development tasks to prepare for session 2.

Inner workings of EYFS: Language of Learning
Thu 30th Jan 2025 - 15:45 - 17:00

The trainer will build on the development tasks and collaborative practice participants learned from session 1. This inner working session focuses on the understanding of the vestibular, proprioception and interoception senses. We will collaborate and build a community that shares high quality opportunities, provision and experiences around this prime area of learning. A second phase of development and collaboration tasks will be shared with participants.

Implementing EYFS: Language of Learning
Thu 27th Feb 2025 - 15:45 - 17:00

The trainer will draw on the previous two sessions and work with participants to ensure the practice and implementation of language development is infused and modelled across all areas of the EYFS setting. We will use a shared and accessible platform to share developing practice and resources.

In-person Observation Day
Thu 20th Mar 2025 - 09:30 - 14:30

See how Language of Learning actually works in a school setting. 

Who is this course for:

This workshop is ideal for Practitioners, Leaders and EY Teachers

Course Duration:


£249.00 per school


Thu 9th Jan 2025
Thu 30th Jan 2025
Thu 27th Feb 2025
Thu 20th Mar 2025


Online & In-person

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EYFS: LANGUAGE OF LEARNING on Birmingham Education Hub