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BEP Mental Health Short: Increasing reflective practice in schools (morning - in person)

BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing


Reflective practice tools can be helpful if you are seeking to embed a wider culture of supervision in your school and where you are on a journey to being a trauma informed setting. This session will provide you with tools and techniques for when you and your teams become more reflective practitioners.

Led by Specialist Senior EP Kay Jackson and Psychotherapist and Supervisor Anna Robinson we will introduce you to a range of approaches for reflective practice. We will also consider the role of debriefs in school for incidents which may not be classed as ‘critical’ but are impactful nonetheless.

Who is this course for:

This workshop is ideal for

Course Duration:

2 hours


Cost may vary depending on the venue

There are no upcoming dates for this course

BEP Mental Health Short: Increasing reflective practice in schools (morning - in person) on Birmingham Education Hub