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BEP Emotional Literacy Package

BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing
Monday 20th March 2023
16:00 - 17:00


Do you ever feel there are certain groups of students who need help with their self-regulation or they have unhelpful ways to manage overwhelming feelings?  Do you feel like there is something you wish you could do to help?

A set of 6 lessons and a train the trainer session has been produced and designed for BEP by Anna Bateman to help you do just that, using evidence-based approaches and pedagogy.

Who is it for?

A member of the Pastoral team in Secondary schools - aimed at year 9, but can be adapted for use with years 8 and 10.

Outcomes of the course

  • Confidence and practical ideas to help students manage overwhelming feelings.

  • Greater self-awareness and a range of practical strategies which are specific and relevant to each student.

  • Knowledge and confidence in knowing where and how to get support.

What does it include?

  • Materials for 6 lessons based on core social and emotional competencies and the latest government guidance, which can be taught again and again.

  • An opportunity to teach key strategies and skills for students who may need further support.

  • A train the trainer one hour live training session for one person which will help you understand the theory, research, government guidance and key strategies and how to facilitate the lessons.

This package is £395pp +VAT 

Who is this course for:

This workshop is ideal for Secondary Pastoral Team members

Course Duration:

1 hour



Mon 20th Mar 2023


Zoom (Online)
Zoom (Online)

Registration Closed

BEP Emotional Literacy Package on Birmingham Education Hub