Hello All,
As ever Birmingham Arts School, the arts strand of Birmingham Education Partnership, is ensuring we are providing Arts Opportunities for schools across the city. See below the fantastic array of opportunities you can take up.
S.T.A.G.E - Surplus Tickets And Great Experiences is a web app we developed so that you can be well informed when arts organisations have free or subsidised tickets on offer for Primary, Secondary and Specials schools. This Web App is officially now open to all Birmingham schools. If you have not signed up - you are missing out. There's currently one offer available on the app and there's another offer that may be dropping very soon. Find out everything about the App and register here: https://inedtechsolutions.wixsite.com/bas-stage-app
Subsidised Workshops - We originally had 8 of these available and now there are only 3 remaining.
These are 90 minute workshops for £175+VAT being offered by three of our cultural partners. Once a school claims it, the offer is gone.
Birmingham Contemporary Music Group - A 90-minute twilight CPD for KS2 teachers exploring the Listen Imagine Compose Primary toolkit, with practical activities on composing, reflection, and supporting children through the creative process.
Purbanat CIC - South Asian Storytelling through Drama Workshop
Services For Education - Ukelele Workshop (offered to schools not currently engaging with SfE) There's so much we can offer your school through BAS - drop me a line and let's connect.
If you want to claim any of these three subsidised workshops please email me directly on bhavik.parmar@bep.education as soon as possible.
Primary Schools Networks and CPD:
Primary Schools, Special Schools and Secondary Schools - Arts Partnership Showcases:
Considering working with a cultural partner, but you're more of a see it to believe it sort of person? Well this is why we've put together the Arts Partnership Showcase. It's your chance to see a live performance delivered to students by Loudmouth Education and Training and hear about the projects being offered by Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.
Arts Partnership Showcase – Just £30 per School!
Join us on 12th February (8:30–11:00 am) at Hillcrest School for a dynamic, affordable showcase featuring Loudmouth Education & Training and Birmingham Museums Trust.
- Watch live arts in action
- Hear from school leaders on arts partnerships
- Explore cultural learning offers for schools
Only £30 per school – bring an extra staff member for free!
Perfect for Headteachers & Arts Coordinators.
Book here: https://birmingham.eduhub.org.uk/event/arts-partnership-showcase-loudmouth-and-birmingham-museums-trust/202502120000/
Secondary Schools:
Secondary Drama Network – Technical Theatre & Design
Monday 10th February 2025 | 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Birmingham Repertory Theatre
Join Birmingham Arts School’s Secondary Drama Network, led by Birmingham Repertory Theatre, for a deep dive into technical theatre and design. The REP's Head of Education Becky Reidy has got together a range of staff from technical roles so that you have a brilliant opportunity to learn about both career paths and techniques that you can feedback back to your young people.
Explore behind-the-scenes roles in professional theatre
Meet industry professionals and gain practical insights for your students
Perfect for: KS3/4 Drama, Theatre & Performing Arts Teachers, Trainee Teachers, and Arts Practitioners.
£45 per teacher | Book here: https://birmingham.eduhub.org.uk/event/secondary-drama-network-technical-theatre-and-design/202502100000/
Need something different, bespoke and specific to support arts in your school? Do not hesitate to get in touch at bhavik.parmar@bep.education