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Dance & Leadership workshop 'THE POWER I HOLD'

This autumn, AWA DANCE is delivering the Dance & Leadership workshop 'The Power I Hold' to secondary schools, after a very successful season in 2022!

Supported by the Arts Council, this workshop designed for teenage girls explores empowerment, self-expression and being a change-maker.

'The Power I Hold' combines movement & reflection to build and improve confidence, reinforce positive body image and develop self-awareness. Through dancing, mind maps, multimedia resources and group tasks, our experienced team guides participants in acknowledging their own power to make positive changes within themselves and in their surroundings. 

Designed for 12-18 years old. Includes a printed Resource Pack that we bring for all participants.

Length: 1h30min-2 hours, depending on the size of the group. 

For more information and to get a quote, please e-mail

Our workshop participants have said:
"I did not know I was good at anything. No one had ever asked me before this workshop! I now know I can build on what I have already in me"

"The workshop came at a great time so I know how to change my negative thought process to a more positive one"

Dance & Leadership workshop 'THE POWER I HOLD' By Birmingham Arts School on Birmingham Education Hub