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Arts Partnership Showcase - Drama

Birmingham Arts School: Arts Partnership Showcase - Drama

Tuesday 6th Feb - 13:15 – 16:00 - Percy Shurmer Academy, Longmore Street, Balsall Heath, Birmingham, B12 9ED - This is a FREE Event.

Birmingham Arts School (BAS) is an exciting initiative that brings together arts organisations/individual artists and schools and encompasses a wide variety of art forms - dance, music, drama, visual arts, media and literature. BAS understands that projects and partnerships between arts organisations or individual artists and schools can take very different scales and forms, from one-day workshops through to long term residencies.  It also recognises that there are different purposes and aims to arts organisations and artists working in schools, including:

  • Learning through the arts - using the arts to bring to life, enrich and enliven the curriculum. 
  • Learning in the arts – learning the creative processes, skills and techniques particular to each art form
  • Using the arts for social, emotional, wellbeing outcomes of pupils 

These are not discrete categories and within each, pupils can be creators, performers, audiences, and leaders.  Projects and partnerships succeed when there is clarity of purpose and a common understanding of aims. BAS’s Arts Partnership Showcases share successful case studies and support schools to develop their own partnerships with arts organisations and artists. This event is specifically showcasing how Drama pedagogy could be used to develop young people's creativity whilst supporting curriculum needs.

Event Schedule

- Welcome from Birmingham Arts School Deputy Director Bhavik Parmar and Lizzie Putt, Deputy Headteacher of Percy Shurmer Academy
- Watch The Play House, theatre-in-education company showcase their performance of ‘Split Second’ (There is more information about their show below)
- Presentation by Dave Howard, Creative Learning Producer at Stan’s Café about their work in schools.
-QnA from Teachers

Refreshments will be provided.

This is fantastic opportunity to ask questions and learn about ways in which you can embed arts in your school curriculum especially looking at incorporating drama as a learning medium in your school. You will get to SEE The Play House. You will get to take part in a presentation by Stan's Cafe. This is a chance to see how embedding drama projects from cultural providers can enrich your school's curriculum. 

More information about ‘Split Second’

Split Second is a participatory performance which will explore the causes and consequences of knife crime.
The programme explores the story of two young people and how a split-second decision to carry a knife has an impact on their lives. The children are asked to comment on the decisions the characters have made, offer advice and investigate how and why some young people feel the need to carry knives.

Addresses requirements of Key Stage 2/3 curriculum:

·     Speaking, Listening & Language development.

·     Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development.

·     Personal & Emotional Growth. 

Outcomes /Children will: 

·     Challenge attitudes towards carrying knives and other weapons.

·     Identify choices and consequences with regard to carrying knives.

·     Practice strategies to resist peer influence and resolve conflict.

“A brilliant and effective workshop that helped the children think about the serious consequences of their actions. It explored the difficult topic of knife crime in a way where children understood the impact without it being graphic.” Yr. 6 Teacher, Wardend Primary School

There are limited places. Book your place here:

Arts Partnership Showcase - Drama By Birmingham Arts School on Birmingham Education Hub